The progressive Digital Health is remarkable in India after Pandemic


Since the epidemic affected the economy, a lot has changed. Almost everything has changed drastically as a result of the pandemic's conditions. The only area that requires the government's full attention now that everything has gone digital is the healthcare industry. One of the pillars that forms the base of an economy is a strong health care industry.

“India needs to invest more in upgrading the research and knowledge technologies, as the adoption of digital health infrastructure has become a necessity after the pandemic” Siddharth Mehta Bay Capital Founder & CIO says.


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We noticed a sizable uptake of digital health during the pandemic in India: 2,000 rural communities used teleconsultation, with 80% of first-timers and a 2000% rise in e-pharmacy orders. The "Digital Health ECG" predicts a bright future: according to a BCG FICCI Report, 60% of patients from Tier-1 cities and 65% of physicians stated they will continue to use digital platforms for primary care in a post-covid era. As Siddharth Mehta Bay Capital says “the future appears positive, but there are possibilities and problems to handle that will primarily depend on the insights gained through patient analytics. And the govt. Of India take good care of all those scenarios”.

India has made progress toward digitizing healthcare with the introduction of national public health programs like Ayushman Bharat and the National Digital Health Mission. The only thing posing a challenge is how difficult it is for patients and physicians to adopt new technologies. Many individuals are still finding it difficult to learn how to use technology.


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